Change your images,
change your life

Your life is a reflection of the images in your mind Learning to change these images opens the door to infinite possibilities.

the power of images

All memories, places, people, feelings, objects and even challenges in our lives have a visual representation in our mind. This multidimensional representation evolves through our continuous interaction with life, while creating the framework for our future experiences. Imagery Works is the art of observing and working with these images in order to achieve our highest potential in life.

It is my pleasure to bring this simple yet life-changing practice to you, so you too can make miracles a part of your everyday life.


Imagery is the language of the universe

One of the things that makes humans different from animals is our ability to imagine and recognize that we are imagining something that is not real. Inventions, discoveries and all creative endeavors are fundamentally a function of imagery. When we focus on an image with intention and no resistance, it can materialize in our lives unusually fast. While this understanding has been growing in the past few decades through mind-body studies, there has been little focus on how the external images influence us on a mental, physical, spiritual and energetic level. Imagery Works provides a framework to understand the effect of external images and the tools to work with our internal images in order to create the desired changes in our lives.

Sounds too good to be true?

Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature

Imagery, or visualization for a specific outcome, is widely used in many domains including healthcare, marketing, education and sports performance. Countless studies have documented the mental and physiological changes that are created through imagery with the conclusion that the brain doesn’t distinguish between real or imagined events. When this knowledge is used in a constructive manner, we can make miracles a permanent part of our lives. Undesirable experiences cease to become the consequence of external factors that we can’t control, and turn into a temporary state we can change by restructuring our internal images about the situation. 


Resonance Is At The Core Of Everything

Studies show that individuals who have a view of nature from their work space are likely to live longer and happier lives compared to those who don’t. We resonate with our environment through colors, shapes, sounds and other stimuli perceived by our senses. Mother nature provides us with the blueprint of health through intrinsic geometrical creations, vibrant yet soothing colors, impeccable harmony between different biological systems, a graceful demonstration of resilience, as well as the ability to flow with the seasons of life. The metabolic functions that take place in our body resemble and resonate with the functions in nature. There is now a common understanding that mimicking nature’s design principals will yield higher returns in every way and the rapid adoption of these principals in many fields such as architecture, healthcare and farming is a testament to that.

The Images You Feed Your Mind Today, Will Be The Building Blocks Of Your Future.

If you are not in control of the images you are consuming, you are not in control of your life.

The stakes are very high when it comes to imagery hygiene. You can choose to be the creator of your images, or absorb whatever comes your way. Either way, the images you feed your mind today will be the building blocks of your future, as well as the future of our collective consciousness.  The sooner you acknowledge this fact, the sooner you will have a chance to claim your mental sovereignty and directly contribute to the sovereignty of humanity.


What People Say

"Sevay is brilliant at guiding women through movement. Weaving the perfect music with the experience she is taking you through, she allows you to drop into your body and fully express yourself. I highly recommend working with Sevay if you want to become more embodied in your feminine power."

Tanya Lynn, Founder,
I’ve attended two events with Sevay so far & both have been absolutely life-changing! I was immediately drawn to her magnetic energy & authenticity but the way she pairs her knowledge/expertise on Guided Imagery with the actual dance experience is completely OUT OF THIS IS WORLD! The amount of healing I experienced in her presence in a little amount of time has been more powerful than any other experience I’ve ever had. She is MAGIC & I genuinely believe her work is going to change the world & heal so many people. To feel so many emotions & experience so much through sound, dance and imagery without saying a word is pretty unbelievable. I’m so grateful I found Sevay & Imagery Works and will forever recommend her to everyone!
Aida R
"I attended the very first Women's Circle last night with Sevay and it was wonderful. Guiding, encouraging and leading us to open up to our own authenticity"
Donna Carnes
"Found the women’s circle to be a very powerful experience. Was deeply moved by theme of the circle and the relevance to the world we exist in. It was an uplifting experience that I would definitely recommend to other women. A peaceful afternoon, cut out of our busy schedules to make a deeper connection  with ourselves and other women."
Dolores K
"Sevay has a natural gift at leading circle...The meditations she used were beyond amazing.. They made me feel so connected to the earth and her rhythms and to the cosmic oneness of the universe… She is also gifted in her music choices... Every song was perfectly matched with the activity and ritual…I left her circle feeling connected, empowered and in my feminine essence"
Theresa Tenerelli, Energy Healer, Empowerment Coach, and Speaker
In just my second session with Sevay, I’m still in awe – WOW! I’d willingly follow her to the ends of the Earth to unlock the incredible depths she brings out within. Valuing the mind/body connection and the impact of our environment on well-being, Sevay elevates it to a truly immersive and magical experience. Her approach blends science, imagination, and perspective, all while honoring the human experience. Whether it’s a talk, dance, meditation, or any other workshop, I’m eager to attend. Grateful for these truly life-changing opportunities. Thank you
Briana L.
"Being in circle with Sevay, I felt held by a gentle and potent force. She has the ability to lead us beyond the edge of the universe without leaving our seats. I look forward to more circles with her"
Maria Chowdhury LMT, LM, CPM
"I really enjoyed the Women's Circle the other night.  I loved finding myself in the stars and absorbing energy that way. I've been meditating on that. You incorporated so many ways to connect; it was a moving experience. Thank you so much."
Helen V