
The illusion of separation is disrupting our social life. The antidote is connection.

find the connection you are yearning for

Humans are social beings; we need a sense of connection and belonging in order to feel fulfilled. In ancient times it was common for women to share responsibilities and men to collaborate on communal initiatives. These collaborations created the deep feelings of support and community which we are lacking today. With the never-ending demands of modern life and an imposed sense of competition and individualism, we have become detached from our tribal roots. Although the global population has been steadily increasing, people are feeling lonelier than ever.

Circles and ceremonies have provided the means for people to gather, share and celebrate together for thousands of years. It is time to tap into this powerful tradition to reclaim our sovereignty as individuals and unite and co-create the future we deserve.

If you are looking to create empowering experiences in your life while being part of a strong, supporting community, circle is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones.


Women's Circles

Centuries ago it was common for women to come together in circle every day; to support one another in birth and during the menstrual cycle, to cook and sew together, to take care of each other’s children, and to share stories of inspiration and triumph. Women thrived in the nurturing, connective environment where they could lean on their village sisters in times of trouble, and dance with them in times of celebration. However, with the industrial revolution and technological progress over the last century, women lost touch with the ancient art of circling, and forgot the power of the feminine.

You would benefit from attending a woman’s circle if: 

• You are yearning for more genuine connection and support in your life 

• You have been searching for a safe community where your authentic self is always celebrated 

• You are interested in embodying the powerful feminine archetypes to take your life to the next level 

• You want to express your deepest desires, thoughts, and feelings openly, and have your own sistership network to support you along the way

Power of Ceremonies in Circles

Building on the premise of the circle, when we gather, hold a strong intention and take symbolic action to put the desired energies to work, magical things happen. Ceremonies have existed for as long as humans have. Every culture around the world has ceremonies that honor their beliefs and values. These ceremonies can be done to bring about protection, abundance, health, love and much more.


Ceremonies are powerful and the latest research in neuroscience, as well as quantum physics, support this idea. When we hold a strong intention and ground it in the physical realm through the means of a ceremony, it amplifies the energetic entanglement for that which we want to influence or attract. 


Ceremonies create an opportunity for the participants to slow down and ground themselves by being fully present in the now. Ceremonies greatly enhance the power of circles. 

“Sevay has a natural gift at leading circle…The meditations she used were beyond amazing.. They made me feel so connected to the earth and her rhythms and to the cosmic oneness of the universe… She is also gifted in her music choices… Every song was perfectly matched with the activity and ritual…I left her circle feeling connected, empowered and in my feminine essence” 

Theresa Tenerelli, Energy Healer, Empowerment Coach and Speaker