Imagery dance
for Adults

An intersection between the physical and spiritual, the inner and the outer. It is where manifestation begins.

imagine moving effortlessly

Dance and rhythmic movement have been integral to most, if not all spiritual teachings for thousands of years. What they all have in common is; intention and imagery. By integrating imagery with dance and music, we can tap into the infinite source of universal wisdom and communicate with our body to bring about healing and empowerment. In my practice, I integrate the concepts of mind-body connection, movement therapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), BioGeometry, Sacred Geometry and guided imagery. With the power of music and carefully chosen visualizations, I create multi-sensory experiences that can be nothing short of transformational. Individual or group sessions are available for in-person or virtual sessions.

“You are the dancer at the gateway of all dimensions. With the right movements and visualizations, you can enter and exit all of them. ” 

Ted Andrews

The images you hold in your mind influence your body

Did you know that your body will immediately shift into a more flexible state as you hold the image of a seaweed weightlessly swaying side to side in the water? How empowering is that? The thoughts and images we conjure up in our minds can create biological changes. In one of the related experiments, they subjected a group of research participants to images related to old age. At the end of the session, when the participants were asked to leave the room and walk down the hallway, the group that was exposed to concepts about old age walked measurably slower than the control group. We are constantly bombarded with images that influence our minds and bodies. Actively choosing and embodying positive images can transform our minds and bodies for the better.

When you dance from the heart, you can't not be present.
And present is the only point of power

When we learn to relax and allow our bodies to lead our dance, it will naturally move in a way that brings vitality. It does so by releasing what needs to be let go, holding the space for healing and making room for receiving. Through dance, the two brain hemispheres are integrated, which creates a special force that aligns our energies with the rhythm and forces of the universe. If you have ever experienced a trance like state while dancing, this statement will resonate with you. Incorporating conscious imagery into dance will not only make your movements more harmonious, but also create a synergistic effect on mental and physical planes, which can induce healing on many levels and turn you into a magnet for manifestation.

“Sevay is brilliant at guiding women through movement. Weaving the perfect music with the experience she is taking you through, she allows you to drop into your body and fully express yourself. I highly recommend working with Sevay if you want to become more embodied in your feminine power.” 

Tanya Lynn, Founder of

“The MOST AMAZING musical finale I ever witnessed – I’m beyond obsessed. We truly enjoyed the ecstatic dance & how it just made everyone flow without a care in the world! Everyone danced so freely + it was so beautiful! The beats were so incredible!” 

Aida R.